Rain rain go away...
It's raining, it's pouring
We've found new leaks this morning,
We went to bed
while the floor got wet
and the temperature was soaring.
Never, never buy an old house. Even with a home inspection that says everything's ok. Do not buy these things unless you have the wherewithal to completely renovate.
We had our attic spaces (all but one) worked on, insulated, roof vents put in, etc. a couple of years ago because of a leak due to ice damming. Now, the same space is pouring with water which is getting under the adjoining floor boards and leaking into our living room in several places. We've got buckets in the attic, buckets in the living room....
The other attic space had been used for storage. It needs a complete renovation. Fortunately we had moved out the majority of our stuff, but it's almost impossible to keep that space cool. Hence, that attic also has many leaks. We thought we had them contained until we found water coming through the drywall ceiling and one of the walls in Kelvin's room.
I've run out of buckets, ice cream pails, and margarine containers. We're having to raid the 3 cup yogourt containers, and that's just depressing. Kelvin's mattress got moved upstairs to the playroom (funny, there's no leaks on the second floor of our 1 1/2 story house...) for now. The roof guys come tomorrow to remove the snow from the valley over the attic with the worst leak (Doug can't reach it with the snow rake). And I'm expecting a call from a renovator/contractor.
And that's all I have to say about that. I hope.