Well, the boys are into the swing of things at school and doing well, and I am now getting to have some firsts of my own.
On Monday I got to do my first bit of volunteering at Kelvin's school. I spent the morning with his class and I must tell you - I had a blast! I couldn't get over how much I've missed hanging out with the kids. I got to take them out in their small groups and teach them a new game, then I was able to give feedback to their teacher about kids' strengths and weaknesses. I feel like I'm making a difference, and the kids seem to like hangin' out with me, too. I can hardly wait 'til Friday when I get to spend the day with Matt's class.
Today I had another first. I went to my first Aquacize (sp?) class at the Y. It's at lunchtime, so it's a good thing I have Kelvin in the lunch program. He really wants to stay there every day because it means he has more time to play with his friends. After the few days I've had him home for lunch, I'm beginning to see the benefits of it, too. We've barely made it back to school on time for the afternoons, and I would really prefer not to be nagging at him to get moving in the middle of the day. It just doesn't set a good tone for the afternoon. So.... I think I'm just going to let him stay for now.
As for the class.... well, it went pretty well. I can feel it in my legs, but my knees have been bothering me a lot lately, so I'm not exactly sure what's from the class and what's just there. I've been turning my ankles a lot lately, too, and that's definitely not good. I have particularly weak foot and ankle muscles. Maybe the class will help with that.
I got to sing with the worship team for a celebration service on Sunday. That's not exactly a first, but it's the first in a long time. It sure felt like an amazing evening - even if there wasn't much of a turnout. The morning was packed, so I thought there might be a good crowd for a night that was straight worship. There used to be, back in the early days.... Oh well, those of us who were there made a connection with God - and I'm sure others did too, just in other ways.
Well, I must finish up a few dishes and drag these old bones to bed. Got a seriously busy day tomorrow (including some 'harp and bowl' practice - CAN'T WAIT!!!!). Anyone praying for us can plead for more restful sleep for Doug and I. We're pretty wasted these days.