Friday, March 17, 2006

The Incredible Dullness of Being... Me.

Alright. I've been tagged. And, as usual, I've been putting it off. But here I am now, so let's just get on with it.

Thanks, JJ...

Four Jobs I've Had:

1. Childcare worker in several daycares.
2. Press operator in a drycleaning plant, shirt department. I press a mean shirt, let me tell you...
3. Cook. Anyone remember Woolco? They used to have a restaurant inside the department store. I used to cook and serve for them.
4. Accounts payable clerk. Yeah, I can cut a mean cheque, too.

Four Movies/Shows I've Been Addicted To:

Addicted is a pretty strong word, so let's just say some that I've been rather attached to.
1. The Simpsons. See last post.
2. The Party. One of the all-time classic funny movies. Peter Sellers is pure comic genius, I tell you!
3. The Gilmore Girls. Sorry, but quick-witted women with great come-backs for everything... almost makes me want to be them. Almost.
4. Anne of Green Gables. Yes. All eight hours of it. I could watch it all in one sitting... or at least in one day - and have!

Four Places I've Lived:

1. One room in a rooming house with my mom before my dad moved in with us and we got an apartment.
2. Edmonton, Alberta
3. Port Colborne, Ontario. Though you might say I did anything BUT live there...
4. Calgary, Alberta

Four Countries I Would Like To Visit:

1. Austria - again. And again. And again.
2. Australia - to see if my Dad's side of the family is worth finding. I'd have to get past my fear of all the poisonous snakes and spiders first, though.
3. Scotland - both sides of my family have roots there.
4. St. Vincent - we almost adopted from there. I wouldn't mind seeing what we missed.

Four Popular False Assumptions About Me:

1. That I'm a great cook and homemaker. Well, that one is partly true. I CAN cook. But my house usually looks like a tornado hit it. It's just that after "flylady" it now looks like a category two instead of a category five.
2. That I'm self-confident. *ENH* wrong. Call me Miss Insecure. Sally Field, move over...(they like me! They really like me!)
3. That I'm an intellectual. Well, I'm not totally without brains, and I do like to process, but I'm not usually willing to spend the time to go as deep into things as, say JJ, or Jude.
4. That I'm creative. Oh man, are you guys ever off the mark on that one! I can follow a pattern, or extrapolate a harmony, but I do not have a truly creative bone in my body.

Four People I Look Like:

1. My Dad. In more ways than I'm going to tell you...
2. Terri Hatcher. *insert SERIOUS guffaws here!* (well, before she lost too much weight. - yeah... THAT makes a difference... )
3. Maude Flanders (hmmm... I wonder if my butt really IS higher than Marge's...)
4. The bearded lady. No, I'm not going to elaborate, but there's a great pic over on Derek and Joy's site.

Four Things (I Hope) To Do Before I Die:

Once upon a time I would have put "give birth" at the top of this list, but not anymore. I am DONE.

1. Finish proofreading my friend's book.
2. Have a truly clean house without having to hire friends, relatives, or professionals.
3. Think kindly of myself.
4. Ballroom dancing with my hubby.

Four People I Tag Next:

1. Judi Daly (Oh, like there was some doubt?)
2. Erica Seales ('Cause she has nothing better to do now that she's in her new house...)
3. Colleen Johnson (I am just TOO curious.)
4. Yvonne Parks ('Cause she's funnier than me. than I. than me. yeah,... than me.)