Sick kids and other bits
Good grief! I went to spell check this post and wound up losing it, so I'll see if I can remember what I said....
It's been awhile, so let me fill you in.
Last week Matt came down with a nasty stomach flu. He needed constant attention which meant that I got very little done, very little sleep, and very behind on my routines. Fortunately he's feeling much better now.
This weekend I managed to come down with the same bug. I'm starting to feel better now, but I couldn't really move from the couch yesterday, and Doug needed to be at the office. So, I had both the boys home with me. Sadly, that meant that Kelvin missed his picture day. We'd better not be sick for retakes! However, the boys played really well. They spent the day on video games mostly, and even handled their own toast for lunch once I got the stuff out for them. I only had to referee one fight, too! Ahhh.... I am SO done with the whole baby thing.....
But our illnesses pale in comparison to what Max is dealing with. Max is the seven-year-old son of my good friend and former roommate, Carol. The Drasaks live in Edmonton, and Max is fighting his second battle with cancer. This time it's a tumor behind his right eye. Please keep them in your prayers. You can get the whole story and updates on the family from their website.
Tonight we begin sessions of our support group for parents of kids with FASD. I've been going for the last few years, but Doug has decided that he is now ready to go, too, so it should be a bit different. It does mean that both the boys will be in childcare, which Matt has never really enjoyed. But we are bringing along the game boy so that he will have something he does like to do. Here's hoping it works!
Yesterday was Doug's birthday. With me being sick, though, we weren't able to do anything to celebrate.

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