Wednesday, September 22, 2004

'nake dens

Yep. It's that time of year again. Time for the drive up to Narcisse for our semi-annual snake pilgrimage.

It's amazing to watch my guys really be boys and catch all the snakes they can find. Doug taught them well, so they aren't just running over and stomping on them. No, they usually get one or two and carry them around from den to den. Of course, when we get to a den with lots of activity they MUST see just how many they can get.

Funny, they haven't really made any fuss about me not carrying any. I'll touch 'em, but I have NO interest in carrying them. This trip I was the one with the camera, so when they offered I had a very plausible excuse.

Before we went out for our first visit (Matt was about one and we've gone twice a year ever since), I was a little worried about what snake dens might look like. I was NOT into having snakes slithering around my feet, or crossing my path. It's just not that bad. The only times I've almost run into them were when I was trying to take pictures. The walk is nice. It's good exercise in fresh air, and the self-esteem it provides for the boys is well worth the drive.

So, I thought I'd post some pics for anyone who hasn't just assumed I've dropped off the face of the earth, blogwise.