No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.... We just took the kids to Minneapolis for Spring Break. I was going to call it " The Vacation from H***", but apparently we took H*** with us!
Yep. Many FAS behaviours are cyclical, so we often refer to the "behaviour cycle". Matt was in a very bad part of the cycle. And have you ever tried to discipline kids in a hotel room? Not an easy task. Matt's thing right now is calling names. At the top of his lungs. In very public places.
Then Kelvin pulled several of his famous "stubborn fits" at various times and places. That's when he digs in his heels until he gets what he wants. Which he doesn't get. Which causes him to make even more demands. Which he also doesn't get. Which eventually leads to him crying, screaming, hitting us, and often being carried away(depending on the location of the particular fit).
It wasn't all bad, though. I think the best thing they did was rock climbing at Camp Snoopy. What a confidence booster! It was the first time for both of them, and they made it within about a foot of the top! Cool!
They enjoyed the rides and the pool at the hotel when we were the only ones in it. Of course they also enjoyed taking off ahead of us and getting in the elevator, stomping feet in Macy's to hear the echo, and eating Mexican food.
So... here are my darlings....

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