Monday, February 07, 2005

Double Whoops!

Oh yeah, it could only get worse, right?

So...... as I'm taking a break from my kids (aka lounging in my bedroom...) so I don't vent my frustration with them on them, what do I see out of the corner of my eye?...

A gerbil.

And if one of them is out, then the other one must be too..

So, here I am, trying to catch two gerbils while hobbling on an injured ankle. I catch one, and before I can get him back in the cage (which I had to secure) he bites me! This, naturally, causes me to fling him into the air and he manages to land in the box of Lego. I manage to corner the other one and use a section of tubing to catch and re-deposit him. THEN, I can go tend to my wounds.

I had to call Matt up to watch them and make sure they don't escape while I go downstairs to find the bandaids. Then I had to figure out how to reconfigure their cage while tripping over two over-eager boys. I finally get things in order (after sending the lads downstairs) only to hear a cry as Matt has thrown a book at Kelvin (oh yeah, he was provoked).

So, the gerbils are in their cage, the boys are in their rooms, and I am free to tell the tale - now that all the testosterone has been contained.

Come home soon, Doug....